Saturday, November 7, 2009
Well It's Time
It's been a long time since I have posted anything in my blog here. No real reason not to, just haven't been inspired lately. There has been this inner struggle in my personal life. I think major changes are about to take place for me. I don't really know when, by I am so looking forward to them.
I got up this morning before dawn and went to the beach to take pictures of the sunrise. It was a very quiet and peaceful time. It was calm little or no wind. I had a conversation with a close friend and just enjoyed the time. Here are 4 pictures that I took, that I kind of like. Hope you enjoy.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
It Looks Peaceful But........
It's Thursday before the main event on Saturday. I don't know really now what to expect. Greg and I have paddled over 290 miles in preparation. I have gone over my food list twice. We have got on Google Earth and ran the river mentally. I have exercised, watched my diet, prepared as much as I know how. But the longest I have paddled continuously is 12 hours.
I face the unknown here. Greg did this race last year with his brother. He knows what it is like to go 72 hours with little or no sleep. Me, I have never done that. So, now I must face my own fears and uncertainties. Can I really do this? Will I break down mentally or physically? What happens if one of us gets hurt? What about heat exhaustion, snakes, spiders, and such?
Still, with these uncertainties and fears taking up space in my mind. I do feel pretty calm.
Why? Well, maybe it's because of my faith in God and His ability to keep me safe and not mine. It's also, because of the positive influence of friends in my life over the years. Here's some things I am thinking right now as begin to put my game face on and get myself into the right frame of mind.
First law of holes- when you're in one, stopping digging!
Be faithful to what exists within yourself.
Courage is putting yourself in a defenseless position.
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines.Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.
Mark Twain
I am convinced that the only thing between you and your destiny is one small act of courage. On courageous choice may be the only thing between you and your dream becoming reality. But you've got to push over the first domino.
Finally, I guess this sums up what I feeling and really what to say.
Failing to take a risk is almost like losing a piece of the jigsaw puzzle of your life. It leaves a gaping hole. When we get to the end of our lives, our greatest regrets will be the missing pieces.
It all begins Saturday, June 13, at 9:00 a.m. Let the dominos fall.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Luling to Gonzales
This last Friday, Greg and I paddled from Luling to Gonzales. It was about 39 miles. Now of all the practice runs we have done, this one was the hardest. It took us 10 hours and 54 minutes, averaging 3.6 mph to cover that 39 miles. There was low water, multiple trees acrossthe river, and a couple of major log jams. I don't know how many times we had to get out of the boat. I lost count, maybe 20 times. We went under trees, over trees. Pulled the canoe up the bank, through brush and thorns, weeds, stickers, and most any plant that had thorns. It was a challenge. Now this section of river will seperate the contenders from those that really want it. My philosophy is no matter how bad it is, it will just punish our opponent. The mental part of the race is so important. Because so much of it is willing yourself to go on especially when you are tired, Mentally, I did not have a good day. I really had to push myself. So part of my own personal preparation will be to get myself mentally prepared. I don't really know how to do this, but I have about 3 weeks to find out and put it all together. I love this part of the challenge.
Now, we have at this point paddled over 250 miles. Friday was work, but I know it will be worth it. Now, we are in the final stretch of our preparations. We have food , and equipment lists to prepare. Weight is critical, so every battery, every piece of eqiupment has to be weighed and counted. We need to take only what we need and nothing more. This week Greg and I will be putting our heads together to finalize our lists. I am holding out for trying to figure out a way to have a hot cup of coffee, I need my caffeine. HAHA!
Monday, May 11, 2009
The Real Deal
Saturday, Greg and I took off again to scout and practice paddling again as we continue to prepare for the Texas Water Safari. Today, we paddled from Victoria to Tivoli, on the Guadalupe River. Since we were practicing, we changed position in the boat. I moved to the rear and Greg moved to the front. The man in the front is more of the motor, while the man in the rear paddles and steers the boat and tries to keep it going in a straight line. It was my first time to spend an extended amount of time doing that. I would say I did okay, but not great. I had us going kind of like a snake down the river. It was a new experience for me. I found there is a lot more thinking involved. I enjoyed it, and could do it on some of the easy parts of the river, but on the really tough places with lots of twists and turns, Greg is better.
We got a taste today of what the real deal would be like. Two logjams, one a half a mile long, the other a quarter of a mile long. We had to get out of the boat and pull it up onto the river bank and drag the canoe a half of a mile one time through the woods and a quarter of a mile another time. Mosquitoes were thick, as was poison ivy and poison oak. Deep Woods Off did not even phase them. We sprayed each other twice, but it did no good. My back is covered with bites.
One time when putting the canoe back in the river, we couldn't find a place to put it back in, so we lowered it down a sheer bank on the river which was about 6 feet tall. Greg lowered himself down by hanging on a root. Naturally, the root broke and Greg fell putting a dent in the boat, luckily he was alright, only bruised a little bit. You can see by the pictures that was a fun day, full of challenges. Greg reminded me, that so much of this is a mental game. Like these logjams, we know where they are now, and that is important, because we will be paddling this section of the river at night. Without proper preparation, this section could turn into a nightmare, especially after two days with little or no sleep.
At this point we have paddled just right at 200 miles. We are starting to get into pretty good paddling shape. I am so glad I am making myself workout, run, and run bleachers. I needed all of the endurance I had for this last Saturday. The adventure and preparation continues. I am learning more about myself and about Greg, and what it takes as a team each time we go out. I just hope I don't have poison ivy on me now. Keep praying, the ulimate test awaits.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Paddling Partner
I thought I needed to tell you little bit about the guy I'm paddling with. I would never be doing this of it were not for Greg Wynn. Greg is married and has two beautiful daughters. He works for BP has an engineer. In 1990, Greg has an industrial accident that caused him to lose his right eye and scar his lungs. Now you would not know it watching Greg. He does not let those handicaps slow him down or stop him. He is a very strong Christian and deacon in our church.
I really admire Greg. He doesn't say much, but when he does, I have learned to listen, for what he is about to say is important. Even though Greg is 41, I have found him to be wise beyond his years. I am very fortunate to be able to share this paddling experience with him. He has taught me more than just how to paddle and be in a marathon race, he has shown me a passion for life. We share this common interest in music. We'll be out there on the river just singing away with some song, just enjoying the experience of being in nature, and God's creation. I know some the other canoe and kayaks might give us some kind of look, but I think it's great.
So as you pray for me as I continue to prepare, pray for Greg and his family. Pray for our friendship and attitudes as we continue to train and then participate in this race. Attitude is everything in an event like this, and I know my attitude can get out of hand pretty quick.
I really admire Greg. He doesn't say much, but when he does, I have learned to listen, for what he is about to say is important. Even though Greg is 41, I have found him to be wise beyond his years. I am very fortunate to be able to share this paddling experience with him. He has taught me more than just how to paddle and be in a marathon race, he has shown me a passion for life. We share this common interest in music. We'll be out there on the river just singing away with some song, just enjoying the experience of being in nature, and God's creation. I know some the other canoe and kayaks might give us some kind of look, but I think it's great.
So as you pray for me as I continue to prepare, pray for Greg and his family. Pray for our friendship and attitudes as we continue to train and then participate in this race. Attitude is everything in an event like this, and I know my attitude can get out of hand pretty quick.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Texas River Marathon
On Saturday, May 3, I had a chance to experience my very first taste of marathon paddling. Greg Wynn and I entered the Texas River Marathon. That's our picture on the upper left, right after a grueling 38 miles of gut busting paddling. This race also determined our starting position for the Texas Water Safari, which is 262 miles long, and begins on June 13.
We have been training now for over a month and have put in about 120 miles of paddling. Our boat is an aluminum canoe, which you can see in the pictures on the bottom row. The boats come in all kinds, shapes, and sizes. We are entered in the aluminum class. One of the hardest classes to paddle because of it's weight and size. But it's a tough boat that can handle the beating from the rocks and trees, which we tend to hit, bump, and generally run into.
Now being a rookie, I really did not know what to expect. We were told the starting line would be at the bridge on hi236. We were in the water and making our way towards the bridge when they announced the race would start in 30 seconds. When it started we were at least 150 yards behind most of the canoes and kayaks. We started at a big disadvantage. Now we had been averaging around 4.2 to 4.5 miles an hour in our practice sessions. Some of these boats with 4 and 6 man teams were averaging 6 and 7 miles an hour, and immediately pulled away from us. Now they are not in our class, but we were racing also for a good starting position.
Greg and I paddled hard hitting 6 sometimes 7 miles per hour, and after 1o miles, yes 10 miles, (it takes a long time to catch someone when there is only a one mile an hour difference in speed) , we finally caught up to a group of 3 canoes. Two were aluminum boats we found out later were not in our class, but in the novice class. We talked with them for awhile paddling. They had lots of questions, and were impressed with the fact, we had music playing while we paddled. It helps pass the time, plus we can sing off key at the top of lungs if we want.
Finally we pulled away from them and really didn't see any other canoes or kayaks for the next 5 or 6 miles. At the Thomaston river bridge Greg's dad, who is a great guy and our team captain, told us we were in seventh place in our class with one boat just ten minutes ahead of us just out of sight. I don't know about Greg, but my competitive spirit kicked in big time. I went after it. Poor Greg probably thought I was crazy. I apologized later for kicking the pace way up. we can't do that in the big race in June, or we won't finish. Anyway, we finally caught them after a couple of miles. We passed them, they would pass us back; this went on for awhile, until finally we started to pull away just a little. I think it helped that they decided to pull over and stop. Honestly, I don't think I could have kept the pace up much longer.
For the next 10 miles we did not see another boat at all. I can't vouch for Greg, but for me, it was tough. We had the wind blowing in our faces, and the paddling was hard. We had expended so much energy catching those earlier boats, I knew we didn't have much left. We just needed to finish. So we slowed down a little, not much, to say 4 to 4.5 miles per hour. We both had kind of hit the wall so to speak. Then way up ahead I spotted 2 canoes. I really couldn't tell what kind they were, and there was only about 8 miles left in the race, so catching them would be almost impossible. I remember asking Greg what he had left in his tank, and I loved his reply, "let's mak'em think about it."
Greg found us some paddling music, and we started after them. Now we really didn't have a chance, we knew it. But if they made any mistake, if might maybe could happen. As we got closer, we discovered both canoes were in the unlimited class. They were carbon fiber canoes, a single and a double who should be able to run circles around us. The double made the mistake of pulling over to take a picture. Now we knew we couldn't stay with them, but we made them earn it. As we approached the single canoe, we find out this guy was experiencing some health issues with some b12 mix he had taken. One hundred yards from the finish line, we drew even with him and passed him and gave the double a run but couldn't quite pull it out.
As we pulled into shore I knew we had given all we had that day. It had been a great learning experience for me. I learned alot about the marathon and pacing myself I also learned alot about myself and how I need to adjust my own personal training. Greg makes a great paddling partner. He is such an encourager and positive thinker and a good friend. It doesn't get much better than that-a day on the river, God, great music, and paddling with a good friend.
At first I couldn't stand up. When I finally did, I was kind of woozy and dizzy. I am so glad Greg's dad was there to help move the boat, I had nothing left. I had my wife Becky drive me home. I didn't trust myself. Well, the training continues. The great adventure awaits. I still don't know why I am doing this. But so many people have encouraged me and I know are praying for Greg and me every time we go out. God is teaching me many lessons through this. I hope one day to have a clearer understanding of His plan and purpose.
P.S. We received the official results: We finished 4th place in our class and 38 overall against all classes.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Hochiem to Cuero
Great day on the river. I saw a bald eagle up close. Pretty cool. The carb loading helped a bunch. I didn't fade at all. What I mean by carb loading. I went off my diet on Friday and ate some pizza for lunch, and had pasta, bread, fruit and whatever I could stuff my face with. I was miserable I was so full. But it worked. When you paddle at around 4 mph you expend about 400 calories an hour. But your body can only absorb 250 calories an hour. So you get behind pretty quick. The idea is to load up a couple days before to help sustain your energy level. We paddled almost 8 hours, or 3200 calories burned. I made sure I was drinking a type of Gatorade every hour and eating something every 2 hours.
The weather perfect, and we the music going to keep us on pace. I had Garth playing and Greg and I were singing and we were in sync. Our time today, 7 hrs 54 minutes. Average speed 4.9 mph. Everytime we have paddled we have gotten faster. From 4.2 to 4.9 mph. The prelim race is next week. I think we are ready. 4.9 mph is good, real good. I think our strategy is going to be to stay around 4.9 or 5 plus mph and just wear our opposition down. I'm pumped about that possibly.
I'm not so tired or as sore as I have been in the past. I think the conditioning and running during the plus paddling these distances is starting to pay off. We'll see. The adventure continues and I'm standing inside the fire.
The weather perfect, and we the music going to keep us on pace. I had Garth playing and Greg and I were singing and we were in sync. Our time today, 7 hrs 54 minutes. Average speed 4.9 mph. Everytime we have paddled we have gotten faster. From 4.2 to 4.9 mph. The prelim race is next week. I think we are ready. 4.9 mph is good, real good. I think our strategy is going to be to stay around 4.9 or 5 plus mph and just wear our opposition down. I'm pumped about that possibly.
I'm not so tired or as sore as I have been in the past. I think the conditioning and running during the plus paddling these distances is starting to pay off. We'll see. The adventure continues and I'm standing inside the fire.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Rain, The Bay, Nightime Paddling
Here's a further update. Greg and I went paddling again last Friday evening around 9:30 p.m. We were at a deacon's retreat located right on the bay. After the evening session was over, the water on the bay was calling us. Yes, it was raining and yes the wind was blowing, not bad maybe 15 miles an hour.
Our plan was to stick to the southern shoreline of the bay to get some relief from the wind. It was a great for awhile. We paddling about 3 miles out around a point to a reef Greg wanted to show me for fishing. As we turned around I told Greg, since it was only 3 miles back, I wanted to paddle as hard and as fast as we could. We started back across the bay,and naturally the wind was in our face, the waves turned into occasional whitecaps and breaking over the bow every one and awhile.
What fun it was. The wind, the waves, the lightening. ( We were in an aluminium boat.) We were paddling with everything we had, getting soaking wet, enjoying every minute of it. I am going to the find the them song to Hawaii Five O, for out next trip when we do that.
We got back without swamping the boat, soaking wet and extremely tired. The next I my legs muscles were pretty sore. I am adding that my things I want to do again list. We are continuing to prepare and train for the 262 mile Texas Water Safari in June. We need to get in another 120 miles of paddling minimum as preparation. Please continue to pray for us as we prepare for this great adventure.
Our plan was to stick to the southern shoreline of the bay to get some relief from the wind. It was a great for awhile. We paddling about 3 miles out around a point to a reef Greg wanted to show me for fishing. As we turned around I told Greg, since it was only 3 miles back, I wanted to paddle as hard and as fast as we could. We started back across the bay,and naturally the wind was in our face, the waves turned into occasional whitecaps and breaking over the bow every one and awhile.
What fun it was. The wind, the waves, the lightening. ( We were in an aluminium boat.) We were paddling with everything we had, getting soaking wet, enjoying every minute of it. I am going to the find the them song to Hawaii Five O, for out next trip when we do that.
We got back without swamping the boat, soaking wet and extremely tired. The next I my legs muscles were pretty sore. I am adding that my things I want to do again list. We are continuing to prepare and train for the 262 mile Texas Water Safari in June. We need to get in another 120 miles of paddling minimum as preparation. Please continue to pray for us as we prepare for this great adventure.
Friday, April 17, 2009
The Challenge - The Decision
Here in Texas, there is a race called, the Texas Water Safari. It's billed as the toughest race in the world. It 262 miles long, and begins in San Marcos, Texas, and ends in Seadrift, Texas, right on the coast. It's 262 miles of paddling in a kayak or canoe. You have 100 hours to cover those 262 miles. So, there is little or no time for sleep, all food and provisions, have to be taken with you. The only outside help you can receive is ice or water from your team captain. I have heard about it for several years now. I didn't think much of it until last year one the men in out church competed in it with his brother.
A couple of weeks ago, Greg Wynn, that's his name, told me that his brother would not be in it this year. Greg, said he had asked around and really couldn't find a partner. Out of no where I said, hey I might give it a try. ( Now I don't where that can from. I might have just stuck my foot in my mouth.) I told Greg, I have never paddled any long distances. He suggested we try a short run one day and see. Well, we did. The idea was to paddle about say 8 miles, just something short to get a feel for it. We went instead 14 miles, and I was pumped. Could this be what God had in store for me? I don't know. We have now gone two more times on various sections of the river. Both times paddling close to 40 miles on each outing, averaging over 4 miles an hour. I know that may sound slow, but in a 17 foot canoe, that's a pretty good clip.
So that's the Challenge- to paddle in the Texas Water Safari, all 262 miles, with little or no sleep, stopping only as needed, going full tilt for 3 solid days. Pushing myself and Greg to the limit physically, mentally and emotionally. Being sunburned, maybe drowned, being wet and cold, surviving on liquid protein and power bars, getting so tired that you begin to hallucinate at night and see all sorts of weird things. Not to mention, putting up with snakes, gars, alligators, and bugs, and whatever else nature can throw at you. Just to finish is an accomplishment. There is no prize, just a patch that says you did it.
My Decision- Is to accept the challenge. Why, I do not know. I have asked my wife Becky to pray about it with me. She says go, I can see it in you. She told me, I can tell you are looking for a challenge, you have been restless and searching. My Men's group I meet with says go. Almost all my friends say, go. For me, the real deciding factor is what I sense God saying to me- G0. Now, I don't know why, I don't understand why I have been drawn to this, and what lies ahead, and what task God has for me to do in His name. Maybe it's not even about me, maybe it's about someone else along the way that needs a touch from God.
So here goes, I know it's weird, but for those that know me, they know I have never been real normal. Here's link to Greg's story about he and his brother's race from last year so you can read and get a sense of the size of this task.
Here is also a link to the Texas Water Safari Website.
Please lift Greg Wynn and I up in prayer as we continue to train and prepare for this great adventure.
A couple of weeks ago, Greg Wynn, that's his name, told me that his brother would not be in it this year. Greg, said he had asked around and really couldn't find a partner. Out of no where I said, hey I might give it a try. ( Now I don't where that can from. I might have just stuck my foot in my mouth.) I told Greg, I have never paddled any long distances. He suggested we try a short run one day and see. Well, we did. The idea was to paddle about say 8 miles, just something short to get a feel for it. We went instead 14 miles, and I was pumped. Could this be what God had in store for me? I don't know. We have now gone two more times on various sections of the river. Both times paddling close to 40 miles on each outing, averaging over 4 miles an hour. I know that may sound slow, but in a 17 foot canoe, that's a pretty good clip.
So that's the Challenge- to paddle in the Texas Water Safari, all 262 miles, with little or no sleep, stopping only as needed, going full tilt for 3 solid days. Pushing myself and Greg to the limit physically, mentally and emotionally. Being sunburned, maybe drowned, being wet and cold, surviving on liquid protein and power bars, getting so tired that you begin to hallucinate at night and see all sorts of weird things. Not to mention, putting up with snakes, gars, alligators, and bugs, and whatever else nature can throw at you. Just to finish is an accomplishment. There is no prize, just a patch that says you did it.
My Decision- Is to accept the challenge. Why, I do not know. I have asked my wife Becky to pray about it with me. She says go, I can see it in you. She told me, I can tell you are looking for a challenge, you have been restless and searching. My Men's group I meet with says go. Almost all my friends say, go. For me, the real deciding factor is what I sense God saying to me- G0. Now, I don't know why, I don't understand why I have been drawn to this, and what lies ahead, and what task God has for me to do in His name. Maybe it's not even about me, maybe it's about someone else along the way that needs a touch from God.
So here goes, I know it's weird, but for those that know me, they know I have never been real normal. Here's link to Greg's story about he and his brother's race from last year so you can read and get a sense of the size of this task.
Here is also a link to the Texas Water Safari Website.
Please lift Greg Wynn and I up in prayer as we continue to train and prepare for this great adventure.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Lighter and Starting to Feel It
An update on my weight loss. I have lost 30 pounds now. I am 10 pounds from my goal of 160 pounds. When I get to 160 then I will evaluate if I need to lose anymore. I have had to buy a new belt, and new pants. I am now in a size 34 waist, at least for now. I noticed one the pair jeans is fitting kind of loose. I can also feel the difference in weight as I exercise. I walk everyday now, and have workout routine I do 4 times week. The weight loss has not been very hard, if fact it's been fairly easy. I think because is a part of this process. He is preparing me for something I just don't know what. Well, we'll see. I don't know the future but He does.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Changes Come Slowly
I haven't seen this for awhile. Since the first of the year I have lost 24 pounds. I have gone from a 38 inch waist to my surprise this week a 34 waist. Now I haven't reached my goal yet. I still need and want to lose 20 more pounds.
How did I do this? I don't really have plan I am following. I am making it up as I go from the things I have learned and read about. I quit eating any sweets. I eat portions. My big meal of the day is at lunch. Supper is something really light or maybe a piece of fruit. I walk everyday and have a hard workout routine I do every other day. Hunger hasn't really been an issue.
I guess the other factor is a silly bet. One f my friends and I bet a moonpie and RC cola. Loser buys the moonpies and RC cola. The deadline for weight loss- April 5. Why then? It seems like a good date. I the accountibility and support has been important for both of us.
Bottom line, I believe more anything else it is God's way of answering my prayer for a renewed passion. It's not me but God. Sounds weird- maybe. But God can do anything he wants, after all he is God.
How did I do this? I don't really have plan I am following. I am making it up as I go from the things I have learned and read about. I quit eating any sweets. I eat portions. My big meal of the day is at lunch. Supper is something really light or maybe a piece of fruit. I walk everyday and have a hard workout routine I do every other day. Hunger hasn't really been an issue.
I guess the other factor is a silly bet. One f my friends and I bet a moonpie and RC cola. Loser buys the moonpies and RC cola. The deadline for weight loss- April 5. Why then? It seems like a good date. I the accountibility and support has been important for both of us.
Bottom line, I believe more anything else it is God's way of answering my prayer for a renewed passion. It's not me but God. Sounds weird- maybe. But God can do anything he wants, after all he is God.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Just a Few Words
I do not know if it is the result of this prayer I have begun praying or not but a few things are going on. How do I explain them, I don't and really can't because they are not clear to me yet.
One, I have lost 21 since the first of the year. I knew all along I needed to lose some weight. I just kind of fell into watching my diet and exercising. No real plan, just cutting by and trying to some wise decisions. Plus, I 've got a bet with someone to see who loses the most by April. The loser buys the winner a RC Cola and moon pie. What a deal. I really want to try to lose 19 mores, who knows we'll see.
Two, I picked up my guitar again. Now I play occasionally. We have several good guitarist for our praise team, so there really isn't a need there. I am playing and worshiping once again during my quiet time with God. I even have a song or two that he has given me that I might write down and introduce in worship at some point.
Three, our Easter production is in full swing with stage and sets being built and put into place. I have about 70 people I am giving instruction and directing for this years production. Long hours and lots of work.
Lastly, I am just trying to be open and sensitive to whatever God is trying to say to me. I don't know where I am going, but doesn't matter, it's a journey.
One, I have lost 21 since the first of the year. I knew all along I needed to lose some weight. I just kind of fell into watching my diet and exercising. No real plan, just cutting by and trying to some wise decisions. Plus, I 've got a bet with someone to see who loses the most by April. The loser buys the winner a RC Cola and moon pie. What a deal. I really want to try to lose 19 mores, who knows we'll see.
Two, I picked up my guitar again. Now I play occasionally. We have several good guitarist for our praise team, so there really isn't a need there. I am playing and worshiping once again during my quiet time with God. I even have a song or two that he has given me that I might write down and introduce in worship at some point.
Three, our Easter production is in full swing with stage and sets being built and put into place. I have about 70 people I am giving instruction and directing for this years production. Long hours and lots of work.
Lastly, I am just trying to be open and sensitive to whatever God is trying to say to me. I don't know where I am going, but doesn't matter, it's a journey.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Renewed Passion
I know most of the time when I blog, I share some kind of funny thing that has happened or talk about whatever strikes my fancy. Well, a couple of events have happened recently to me that have caused me to take a backward forward look. So as you read this understand I haven’t lost my mind, and I have no plans to jump off a cliff anytime soon. I may ramble for awhile so hang on.
“Backward forward”, I don’t what caused that to pop out of my head. It’s just that lately I have been looking at my life, doing a self examination, where I have been and where I am right now, and what the direction is for the future. Thus the term- Backward forward.
I know part of this as risen up out of my personal time alone with God. The result is me taking the step to pray this decidedly challenging prayer-
Lord, renew my passion, give me a fresh wind, a fresh fire.
It’s very simple, yet very powerful. I have this scrap of a tune floating around in my head ever since I started praying this prayer. I am not a great song writer, but I have written a couple of songs for our church, that we use on a regular basis, nothing great, just simple songs that have come out of my heart. This scrap of a song and tune speaks of lost dreams. Since it is unfinished the thoughts are incomplete. However one verse says this:
"Dreams piece by piece have been chipped away, in my life. A passion that was once there, is gone. It has drifted away on the wind. Where did the dreams go? Lord, please take the hurt of my lost dreams. Renew the passion I once had for you."
Wow, it seems like such a downer and depressing thought. But I think it is part of the answer God is trying give me as a result of this prayer I dared to pray. It really hit me when I heard the news that one our senior adults passed away recently. Mac and Mary were so devoted to each other. I can still see them holding hands while walking down the hall at church together. They shared with me stories of how they met, and fell in love. It was a love that genuine and real. Mac’s example of a husband’s love really struck a chord with me. Would I have that same passion when I get to be 80? It made me think about my passion for Christ and for my wife and kids. Long relationships seem so rare these days.
Passion- I thought about what has been missing in my life, (if I am really honest with myself it’s been missing the last few years) it’s been passion, fearlessness, boldness, adventure, following God no matter who said what or when, or even when others are telling me no, and me just doing it anyway because God said so. Where is the guy that would drive all night, to be a part of a medical mission project on the border, stay up all night to get back home, and get back in time to do church? Where the guy who took off with 10 other brave souls into the Northern Mexico desert for week, with no water, no electricity, in the middle of the summer heat, only to meet with the Mexican army at a military check point after they had a running battle with drug dealers, to see bodies lined up by road, (remember that nara visa cowboy), their guns trained us, as the missionary and I, others talked our through the checkpoint, and never even thought of turning back?
Where is the guy who went back to school at 31, with no money, as he and his family lived on rice and beans, and yet saw God move so many times during those years?
I am beginning to understand just how beat up I was when I came to Port Lavaca. I came from a church in Oklahoma that I lead through what I call the worship war – leading a church change it worship styles. I already beat up coming from the strain of holding a church together in Colorado, and being told by that pastor I needed to leave. No job, no nothing. God provided. But I felt like walking away from this church stuff all together. I remember instances of church traditions that must be rigidly followed no matter God might be saying when I was up in the Texas panhandle.
To those reading this I am not on some kind of pity party or depressed. It just that ministry is hard, your dreams of serving God get chipped away little by little. It is so tempting just to set back, and do church. Doing church is easy, it will run itself But I am not ready to do church.
If you are reading this, you are one the chosen ones- those loved ones God has placed in my life. You are my friends, and we share the common bond of Christ. You have guided me at times, shared you wisdom with me, and put up with me.
What am I seeking from you? Prayer, prayer for renewed passion in my life and in yours. I can tell you, I know God is in the process of answering this simple powerful prayer of a renewed passion, and a renewed spirit in my life. I sense a new excitement. I don’t know what is around the next corner, but I don’t want to know. I just want the faith and the passion to once again say, “it time to saddle up boys and girls,” and if no one is willing to saddle up with me, to still be bold enough to take off across this desert place we call life.
I have reached the big middle of my life. The first half was filled with this raw adventure called being a follower of Christ. I desire for the second half to be even more. I closing I’ve got God, and, He gave me moon pies and RC cola, and after all, what else does one really need?
Job 11:15-19
“Backward forward”, I don’t what caused that to pop out of my head. It’s just that lately I have been looking at my life, doing a self examination, where I have been and where I am right now, and what the direction is for the future. Thus the term- Backward forward.
I know part of this as risen up out of my personal time alone with God. The result is me taking the step to pray this decidedly challenging prayer-
Lord, renew my passion, give me a fresh wind, a fresh fire.
It’s very simple, yet very powerful. I have this scrap of a tune floating around in my head ever since I started praying this prayer. I am not a great song writer, but I have written a couple of songs for our church, that we use on a regular basis, nothing great, just simple songs that have come out of my heart. This scrap of a song and tune speaks of lost dreams. Since it is unfinished the thoughts are incomplete. However one verse says this:
"Dreams piece by piece have been chipped away, in my life. A passion that was once there, is gone. It has drifted away on the wind. Where did the dreams go? Lord, please take the hurt of my lost dreams. Renew the passion I once had for you."
Wow, it seems like such a downer and depressing thought. But I think it is part of the answer God is trying give me as a result of this prayer I dared to pray. It really hit me when I heard the news that one our senior adults passed away recently. Mac and Mary were so devoted to each other. I can still see them holding hands while walking down the hall at church together. They shared with me stories of how they met, and fell in love. It was a love that genuine and real. Mac’s example of a husband’s love really struck a chord with me. Would I have that same passion when I get to be 80? It made me think about my passion for Christ and for my wife and kids. Long relationships seem so rare these days.
Passion- I thought about what has been missing in my life, (if I am really honest with myself it’s been missing the last few years) it’s been passion, fearlessness, boldness, adventure, following God no matter who said what or when, or even when others are telling me no, and me just doing it anyway because God said so. Where is the guy that would drive all night, to be a part of a medical mission project on the border, stay up all night to get back home, and get back in time to do church? Where the guy who took off with 10 other brave souls into the Northern Mexico desert for week, with no water, no electricity, in the middle of the summer heat, only to meet with the Mexican army at a military check point after they had a running battle with drug dealers, to see bodies lined up by road, (remember that nara visa cowboy), their guns trained us, as the missionary and I, others talked our through the checkpoint, and never even thought of turning back?
Where is the guy who went back to school at 31, with no money, as he and his family lived on rice and beans, and yet saw God move so many times during those years?
I am beginning to understand just how beat up I was when I came to Port Lavaca. I came from a church in Oklahoma that I lead through what I call the worship war – leading a church change it worship styles. I already beat up coming from the strain of holding a church together in Colorado, and being told by that pastor I needed to leave. No job, no nothing. God provided. But I felt like walking away from this church stuff all together. I remember instances of church traditions that must be rigidly followed no matter God might be saying when I was up in the Texas panhandle.
To those reading this I am not on some kind of pity party or depressed. It just that ministry is hard, your dreams of serving God get chipped away little by little. It is so tempting just to set back, and do church. Doing church is easy, it will run itself But I am not ready to do church.
If you are reading this, you are one the chosen ones- those loved ones God has placed in my life. You are my friends, and we share the common bond of Christ. You have guided me at times, shared you wisdom with me, and put up with me.
What am I seeking from you? Prayer, prayer for renewed passion in my life and in yours. I can tell you, I know God is in the process of answering this simple powerful prayer of a renewed passion, and a renewed spirit in my life. I sense a new excitement. I don’t know what is around the next corner, but I don’t want to know. I just want the faith and the passion to once again say, “it time to saddle up boys and girls,” and if no one is willing to saddle up with me, to still be bold enough to take off across this desert place we call life.
I have reached the big middle of my life. The first half was filled with this raw adventure called being a follower of Christ. I desire for the second half to be even more. I closing I’ve got God, and, He gave me moon pies and RC cola, and after all, what else does one really need?
Job 11:15-19
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Wnter Blues
I haven't updated in awhile. Becky and I both have had the flu. This is not good stuff to get. It has taken me about two weeks to get well and I am still not over it. Becky is still really weak and has missed a week of work.
Ok, I have a question, I got to looking at Facebook, and I am trying determine the differences between what I do here, and what Facebook has to offer. So, I am sure someone out there could share with me their observations of both. Maybe, I just might throw a link from here to there or vice versa. I don't know, food for thought. Always good to try to keep up with what's going on around me. Here's a couple pictures of the eclectic things I found around this part of the country.
Monday, January 26, 2009
February's This and That
Item One:
I got a phone call from the Nara Visa Cowboy Sunday. He called to say they were having moonpies and RC colas with some friends of theirs. I can't help but get a grin on my face thinking about grown ups. in the mountains of New Mexico, setting around the fireplace( if there is a fireplace, it embellishes my story) eating moonpies like a bunch of kids. I love it. I hope I never get to old to be kid, and enjoy the simple things of life.
Item Two:
Becky and I took a trip to Seadrift, about 15 miles, from us, Saturday. The wind was blowing out of the north at about 30 miles per hour. It blew a lot of water out of the bay, especially at low tide. Check out the picture of the sailboat, high and dry, and how far the water is from the shoreline.
Item Three:
The reason we went to Seadrift was because I was looking for some pieces of mahogany for a project I need to get started on for my son, Josh. He wants me to build him a media center out of solid wood, not this fake stuff found in most furniture stores. I am finding that mahogany is hard to find. I found one piece, not enough for what I need. I'll have to keep looking. I think I am going to go with oak or poplar and give it a dark stain. While driving around we came across a house on the waterfront that had a genuine glitter fish on the front of it. Check it out! If I ever build, that will probably be on my list of things I want.(if I can convince Becky)
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Sneak Snack Snuck
In my last post I did not know for sure if "snuck" was a real word. Well, I got to thinking, of course it's real, I use it, therefore it is real. (My logic has been known to out there just a little bit.) My friend, Nara Visa Cowboy, confirmed it with his response, and to borrow a phrase from him- Now you know!
Now, in my way of warped thinking the verb tense progression of Sneak, Snack, Snuck, makes perfect sense to me. You see, our language, and it's rules can be very confusing, and it can be hard to keep all the various rules in ones head. Take for instance the word- Lot. I get confused when to use the word "alot" or when to use the phrase- "a lot." Speaking of which, why do we call a small piece of land a lot? A 50 ft x 100 ft piece of ground is not a lot. Why can't we call it a "'Little"? After all, 500 acres would be a lot, wouldn't it? As an aside, (how's that for a phrase) did you know that LOT is also the name of the Polish Airline? Go figure.
Since I am on this why kick this morning, ( maybe it's the four cups of coffee), why do they call it a gaggle of gesse when they are on the ground, but a skein, when they are in flight? In Canadian English, a gaggle is an adjective describing a largely disorganized group of Jildos (another colloquial adjective describing a woman that tends to be annoying and lacking in her own individual opinions) putting forth discontent among all related fellows. So are we really insulting the geese by saying they are disorganized and have no opinion? What would Mother Goose say, and is there some sort of hidden message in those Mother Goose stories that has brain washed us?
Okay, I think the caffeine has kicked in just a little too much. I'll summarize this way. I have posted a picture of a sea gull that I was able to sneak up on while he or she was snacking
on alot, or is it a lot, of leftover food. I snuck up on a gaggle of gulls right before the took flight and joined a skein of geese, who could not decide which way to fly, because they had no opinion.
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