This last Friday, Greg and I paddled from Luling to Gonzales. It was about 39 miles. Now of all the practice runs we have done, this one was the hardest. It took us 10 hours and 54 minutes, averaging 3.6 mph to cover that 39 miles. There was low water, multiple trees acrossthe river, and a couple of major log jams. I don't know how many times we had to get out of the boat. I lost count, maybe 20 times. We went under trees, over trees. Pulled the canoe up the bank, through brush and thorns, weeds, stickers, and most any plant that had thorns. It was a challenge. Now this section of river will seperate the contenders from those that really want it. My philosophy is no matter how bad it is, it will just punish our opponent. The mental part of the race is so important. Because so much of it is willing yourself to go on especially when you are tired, Mentally, I did not have a good day. I really had to push myself. So part of my own personal preparation will be to get myself mentally prepared. I don't really know how to do this, but I have about 3 weeks to find out and put it all together. I love this part of the challenge.
Now, we have at this point paddled over 250 miles. Friday was work, but I know it will be worth it. Now, we are in the final stretch of our preparations. We have food , and equipment lists to prepare. Weight is critical, so every battery, every piece of eqiupment has to be weighed and counted. We need to take only what we need and nothing more. This week Greg and I will be putting our heads together to finalize our lists. I am holding out for trying to figure out a way to have a hot cup of coffee, I need my caffeine. HAHA!
You can have water from your captain, right? Take instant coffee and put in the hot water. Do rules specify hot or cold water?
Just a thought.
Set the logjams on fire! That'll slow down what's behind you!LOL
You can have water from your captain, right? Take instant coffee and put in the hot water. Do rules specify hot or cold water?
Just a thought.
Set the logjams on fire! That'll slow down what's behind you!LOL
The rules say that our captain can only give us ice and water that is ambient temperature. I found a very small micro burner that will heat a cup of coffee in 3.5 minutes. The whole thing only weights about 2 pounds with fuel. My plans are to pack instant coffee made up on packets with cream and sugar. The burner also gives us the option of heating something up out of a can. Who knows we might need a mental boost and a hot meal might do it.
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