Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Paddling Partner

I thought I needed to tell you little bit about the guy I'm paddling with. I would never be doing this of it were not for Greg Wynn. Greg is married and has two beautiful daughters. He works for BP has an engineer. In 1990, Greg has an industrial accident that caused him to lose his right eye and scar his lungs. Now you would not know it watching Greg. He does not let those handicaps slow him down or stop him. He is a very strong Christian and deacon in our church.

I really admire Greg. He doesn't say much, but when he does, I have learned to listen, for what he is about to say is important. Even though Greg is 41, I have found him to be wise beyond his years. I am very fortunate to be able to share this paddling experience with him. He has taught me more than just how to paddle and be in a marathon race, he has shown me a passion for life. We share this common interest in music. We'll be out there on the river just singing away with some song, just enjoying the experience of being in nature, and God's creation. I know some the other canoe and kayaks might give us some kind of look, but I think it's great.

So as you pray for me as I continue to prepare, pray for Greg and his family. Pray for our friendship and attitudes as we continue to train and then participate in this race. Attitude is everything in an event like this, and I know my attitude can get out of hand pretty quick.

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