Sunday, August 22, 2010

Sunday Marathon

I had this idea to visit a local church that we had not visited. Since they had an 8:00 service, we could go there and then go to our church afterward. What a terrible idea. The preacher preached for about 50 minutes. There is an old axiom that says, "The mind can absorb only what the seat can endure." My seat could not endure, and he wasn't even a good preacher. My dear sweet wife is discovering that I have hair brained ideas from time to time; this was one of them.

I did have this thought today, however when attending my church where the preaching is good. I have not been waiting well on God to speak to me. So I came up with this idea. The word "wait" stands for: W-work, A-adoration, I-investigate, and T-test. When a person waits it is not some process where they sit and do nothing. We should keep working and staying busy, worshiping God, investigating all the possibilities, and then putting them to the test to see what works and what doesn't. In other words, waiting is not for a lazy person. There are no short cuts.

Finally, Janet and I rode the motorcycle to church this evening, and had a great time. We were the only ones on a motorcycle. It's so nice to blend into the crowd. hahaha Well got to go. We are going to sit on the couch, watch a movie, and smooch. See you later.

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