Sunday, July 20, 2008

More Summertime News and Views

I pulled up my tomato plants and replanted for the fall. The nursery said I should plant BH444's. They told me they do real well around here in the fall.

Laurie- Cowboy Cole's daughter, wanted to know about my lime tree. It's got limes, but never had a lime tree before I do not know exactly when they should ripen. Just one more thing in a long lists of things I need learn. I will philosophie now( if that is a word) It seems the older I get the more stuff I need to know. Is that a sign of maturity or senility? I think they they are real close.

Ok, we started our annual George Adam Park Outreach and Backyard Bible Club today. It's in the bad part of town. You know it's bad when you have to have the police run the dope peddlers off so you can set up. My kind of deal. I have enclosed some video of the garden and of the outreach.
Sorry no glitter fish, but really tasty hotdogs and grape snow cones. I know it's summertime now, I just had my first VBS hotdog and store bought cookies. Tomorrow we will have coconut snowcones, my favorite.


Laurie said...

Just google it. Then you really don't have to know it forver, just now. ....haha....our watermelons are getting ripe. Still have oodles a cantaloupes. okra, and squash. Girls are at VBS. Grace asked las tnight why the always have red kool-aid at VBS. SHe thought maybe that it was all the store had. I didn't have an explanation other than some people that it was and dad are in CO. Camp Grammy PawPaw is Aug 4-7.

Laurie said...

I'm prayin gyou and yours are safe.

rev dave said...

I found out limes are picked during the summer. They will be dark green and then start to turn yellow. that's when to pick them. So, my limes are getting close to being ready.

No worries here, just a little much needed rain. Very little wind to speak of.

Unknown said...

No-o-o-o glitter phish!!! I can tell all is not well! LOL Think how good the hotdogs and kool-aid would have been if you had glitter phish!!!
Back at Nara Visa for Camp Grammy PawPaw then back to Glorieta for a month before the Poetry Gathering.