Saturday, July 12, 2008

Just summertime around here!

It's been awhile since I posted last. I don't really have an excuse. I've just been lazy and caught up in activities.
Anyway, while Ty,(Abby's friend from Tenn. More about that later) was here, we went to the zoo in Victoria. it's not a bad little zoo. It's two black jaguars that will scare the pants off of you when they come up to the window and stare at you. I got a pretty good picture the tiger, and a fox.

Ok, I am using you guys as an experiment. Becky and I bought a el cheapo video camera at wally world. So here is a short video for you to look at.
Email me and let me know about how it looks. You guys know me, I can get into a gadget every now and then. More later.

1 comment:

Laurie said...

Yes it works but only if you put it on the blog!

Seriously talked to dad last night and it sounds like you are having a busy summer.

I need a lime update.