Monday, April 14, 2008

Lazy Evening

It was really a pretty evening, and i was supposed to go to another one those meetings that at least in my estimation was a waste of time. So, I opted out. Becky and I went to Sonic, bought coke and diet cherry limeade, and went down to the water to take a few pictures. The house pictured here here is a bargain. The lot has a view of the bay and you can pick it up for a measly $350,000. The house is just another $750,00 for a total of one million buckeroos! What a deal!
I watered my garden and found I had two bell peppers and couple of little tomatoes. The lettuce is about ready to start eating. Life is good, or it will be until the mosquitos start to come out.


Anonymous said...
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Unknown said...

Diet cherry limeade sounds NASTY, as in tamarinda snowcone! Still barf, gag, and puke!
Some days you just do what you got to do.!

rev dave said...

I know it sounds nasty, but I am trying to make concession by giving up a little sugar. I don't know, maybe I will get used to it after awhile, but then again, maybe not.

Pulled off some lettece for sald out of the garden, along with 2 bell peppers. It's comin' along.

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