Last week end we went to the Temple Jazz Festival, where Abby was playing with the High School Jazz Band. We picked up Becky's mom and took her with us over to Temple. She really enjoyed being able to hear Abby play, and the chance to just get out. We went over to Texas Burger and had burgers for supper. It's one of those places we don't have in our part of the country and the burgers aren't too bad. Not as good as a Moo Moo burger, but pretty good. While we at her house, I took a picture of the mock orange tree growing along her fence. It was one of the plants that Becky's dad planted before he passed away years ago. I may try to get start off of it to plant one here.
Hey, I was Cuero last Thursday and came across this hardware store. Because of time I didn't get a chance to go through it. However Becky, and I are planning a road trip to Cuero this Saturday to tour town, so to speak, and check out the hardware store, and find a place where the locals eat. I saw a bbq that had alot of cars around it that might be worth checking out.
P.S. Update on the blood pressure, the doc wants to put me on some bp medicine. Naturally, he said lose weight, start exercising, in other words get my act together.
I've been on bp medicine since 1979.Take your dope and go on! Since I only cook with real salted butter, my chlosterol dropped about 25 pts. There are those that are still trying to get my behavior under control. So far, it's been a real challenge. I can change, just can't stay changed. Must be my medication!!(Definition of challenge- "a pain in the butt you can't do anything about!!"
Glad to see you and the little lady out and about!
Started on bp medicine today; will see how that goes. Went to buy groceries just now; changed what we've been buying; back to trying to eat healthy. That means no more fun stuff like moon pies and rc cola. AS far as changing goes, my diet may change, but nothing else will. I don't see you changing either. I'm not sure even medication could make a permanent change in either one of us.
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