Since it hadn't rained in two days I decided to sit out on the deck I had built. I bought one of those cheap white rockers from Wally world. It works pretty well. I 'll be lucky if it last a year, but I got it cheap, so I can't complain. I decided just sit and see what I could see. I took my camera with me. I bought a old lens off of ebay just to see if it would work on my camera. Well here, are two pictures. One of a knot in the deck. Weird, yes, but no one ever accused me of being the sharpest knife in the drawer. The other is of some china berries growing right over my head. Not bad for a $7 lens that is about 40 years old. Of course it is all manual everything. I know I am about to show my age, but I am so glad I can still take pictures without the computer in the camera telling me what to do.
Speaking of china berry trees, at least that's what I call them, I hate them. They are messy, the branches break off easily, and they never stop growing. With all the rain we have had, and now the heat, they are growing like crazy. Who brought these things into our country anyway? Had to be foreigners. Since we all were at one time, who's to blame? Alright, I need the origin of these stupid things. Surely one of my better educated friends will know.
The last picture is of Abby singing in the Texas Baptist All State Choir. They were pretty impressive. I am not into stained glass, but I thought it was rather nice.
Lastly, for now, my wife needs Tom's wife personal email address. I guess that means that I can't see what they are saying to each other. Where's the trust?
Here is a saying off the Dove chocolate wrapper- "Sing along with the elevator music"
Who would do that? I would but it would have to be a Willie Nelson song.
First, I have to agree with the "not-the-sharpest-knife-in-the-drawer" comment.
Second, the worst thing about those china-berry trees is not the little branches that are constantly breaking off, or even the berries. The worst thing about those stupid trees are the little caterpillar things that fall off. They are nasty and sticky and just plain yucky.
Third, trust has nothing to do with it; it has to do with being able to "talk" to her on a more regular basis. Especially when you consider how hard it is to catch someone on the phone to talk to them in person.
Fourth, hey, you're on the computer all the time; why can't I use it?
Fifth, considering someone can't sing the right words to a song even when they are printed and right in front of them, and, come on, does anybody REALLY want to sing along with a Willie Nelson song?
Just my POV.
The above comments were left by my dear sweet wife. Please take with a gain of salt. Despite what the dr says, it's good for you.
1. "In the drawers" can go in a lot of different directions.
2. Those sticky worms are ecologically important for they become flying things, and bird food, and fish food.
3."Regular" Another big word,but, "If you're "regular", you really don't have any problems.
4. Why can't/don't use it? Love to hear from you!!
5.Sing along with Willie?????
We sing along with Willie and sing not along with Willie.
Willie is to OK!! I saw him on the teevee singing church songs with his sister at the church in Abott, Tx. He's like you!!!!!
Sharon and I use same email. We know too much on each other for it to be a problem/issue.
1. Letting go of the drawers. ha
2. They're not actual worms; they are caterpillar-looking seed-holding icky thingies.
3. Hey, none of us evear claimed to be regular.
4. Between David and Abigail, its hard for me to ever even get to look at the computer.
5. I sound like Willie, that's just one reason why I don't like to listen to Willie.
But as far as the separate email goes: it's like I told David,it's not that I'm wanting a private email for just me and Sharon, it's that David has given out this blog-site address to quite a few people. I'd like to be able to "talk" to both of you and maybe vent at times, but not over public airways.
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