Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Summertime Fun

We are right smack in the middle of Vacation Bible School this week. For the second year in a row I was able to delegate most things out and be floater and put out fires. After 3 years plus of me being here, they are finally starting to do it the right way. We had our backyard Bible club the week before, right in the middle of town where all the drug deals go down. We didn't really have all that many kids come, but we had a lot of comments and drew a lot of attention from those folks around there. Picture this in your mind, bible school is going on in a city park, and around the edges of the park are some of the drug dealers and a drunk or two. Momma's with their baby's and little ones, and of course red snow cones. We did serve hotdogs two nights, and that did draw crowd. I had some interesting conversations with some of these folks. The police even ran an extra patrol car through the area. Why, I don't know? I wasn't really worried, although some of my church ladies were.

So this week, we have VBS at our church, and guess what all those folks are sending their kids over here. I love it! Attendance is up, I've had to break up a couple fights with some 4th grade boys, cookies and red kool aid being ground into carpet and we almost run out of everything last night. Some of my dear old church folks are getting a good dose of real world Christianity, and I am just sitting back and smiling, and thinking to myself God just might like this.

Oh yeah! Church on the go hi dee ho.


Laurie said...

I learned a sayin glast year and it sounds like you have already figured it out....focus on purposes, not problems. SOunds like that's what you did. WOOHOO....HAve you hear from the Biddie Brigade lately about all this or will that come after Sunday when they realize all these 'hoodlums' are inside their church building?

rev dave said...

Well, it's like this, I only really listen to complaints from those I know I can trust, and are in tune with what is really going on. To be in ministry you have to have skin like an alligator, plus know the purpose and steer people back to the purpose. It's church, not a garden club. It's also not democracy. God is the only one who gets to vote.

Unknown said...

"Biddie Brigade"???Was that from one of my daughters? Can't--afraid to imagine the others when they read this. Got to remember, though, she's the one that did VBS in Brownsville with the big tent and they actually heard gunfire and had cops all around, and not just a drive around. She drove a bus, too.
Let's see flower problems--and not a Garden Club, are YOU SURE????
Only God gets to vote-are you sure that's Baptist?? I didn't know God voted. I thought he just got to count the votes!
Sounds like fun!! I suppose it has cooled off, quit raining, and mosquitoes have gone south for the next month-right??
Why don't you have a VBS on a boulevard? Anybody can do it in the park. Then you would really, really need a cop!! LOL

Anonymous said...

I dont suppose the Biddie Brigade realizes that you have a blog, huh??

Glad to see you are doing better. Keep up with the good work.