Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Church- sometimes a good place to take a nap

It was kind of like re-living the past. I was at my mother-in laws this past week end, who lives in Cameron. I had the tv on, on Sunday morning, which I never so at home. A Church from Waco was broadcasting their church service. They sang the slowest version of “All Hail the Power of Jesus Name” I have ever heard. It just about put me to sleep. Then the camera panned the congregation and caught at least two people asleep. I was glad , I thought maybe it was just me. Then, the camera moved back to the poor preacher, and there were two guys on the back row of the choir taking a nap also. It brought back memories of Groesbeck and hiding flowers, and such things . Of Course, back then, there was this Cole fella who was a bad influence on me, at the time.

Is it just me, or most of the good sleeping church found in Central Texas


Unknown said...

Well, you wouldn't have slept in church with us on Sunday in Tin Cup, Co. Heard some of the best singing I've heard in years--in a small Community Church that meets from June thru Labor Day. Approximately 140 in attendance, and they all sang. They have had a retired AF chaplain as pastor for 21 years. Wish you could have been there!


rev dave said...

That's good to hear. I am glad to see that folks are worshiping up there in the North Country, cause in Central Texas they seem to be asleep at the switch.

Unknown said...

For the record, there are a few, God bless them, that still think I'm a bad influence. I couldn't be prouder!!!!

Church at Tincup was better than Sharon said. It was come as you are and worship the Lord. Most churches miss that part. Started at 1030, ended at 1130. Only church I've been in, and I have been in a few, and probably not enough, that had an elkhead on the back wall. The BEST wood heater was big enough take cordwood. It was really big!
Back to church-we knew to go at least 30 min. early to get a seat. When you walked in, you could tell that it was going to really be different in agood kind of way.And it was.
Twas a nice cool week.