Thursday, January 27, 2011

Weight Update #3

It's been crazy around here, so it has been awhile to post an update. So here goes, this morning I weighed 182.4. Not bad, that's a little over 5 pounds since I started. My goal is to get to 160 pounds. I know this will not be easy, but it will get done. I will be pleases if I can lose 1 pound per week, at that rate it will take me 23 weeks. So let's see, that would be around somewhere around the end of July. I don't know, maybe? Time will tell if I have that kind of discipline.
I hear Blue Bell calling me right now! Ha Ha!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Weight Update #2

Sorry to say no real progress. I still weigh 185. But, I will just keep plugging along. The workouts are bad, i haven't been really sore yet at all. I think it's time to up the reps and add in some more options. The cold weather this doesn't really have me all that excited about getting out and walking, but I am going to make myself do it anyway.

New note here, I taught 2nd grade for 3 days last week. That is what I call work. Every detail must be planned out and explained, and explained, and explained again. Yesterday, I taught 8th grade social studies, it was much easier.

On the religious front, we are thinking about switching churches. We like are current church, but schedules and our family's situation have made us take look at what might be best for Janet's kids when they visit. So we are in the visiting stage with some churches now. We have visited 3 thus far. All 3 are little different. The hard part for me is to take my professional hat off and quite evaluating. Just relax and see where God leads. Any suggestions, I 'm open.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Weight Update

It's Thursday and Janet and I have been going at it for 4 days. The exercise part of getting into shape is not going too bad. I like the walking, but I can see some point in the next couple of weeks adding running into the walking routine. I know it's early in the game, but I am encouraged.

My weight as of this morning- 185. A loss of 2.8 pound, most of which might be nothing but liquid, but hey, it's weight. Janet has lost 2 pounds. My target goal is 160 pounds and a size 32 waist. Currently I am floating around a size 33 or 34, depending on the pants.

On a different note, I am substitute teaching in the 2nd grade all this week. I have a high energy class to say the least. The terminology has changed, but teaching reading and math is still the same. Today we will do a science project with ice. The goal is to see how long it takes to melt.

Well gotta go!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Once Again- A New Year

2011, and once again, I, like many others, have made various resolutions for the new year. Let's see: Lose weight and exercise, take better care of my money, spend more time with family, and so on and so on. Will I do what I set out to? I don't know, maybe. We'll see.
Now, I know I don't sound too enthusiastic, but really, I am determined. I've already started my workout and diet program.

It won't be easy, but I am taking a different track this time around.
You see, I know I can't do it alone. Janet and I are doing it together, to hold each other accountable. But even that is not enough, so I am enlisting your help. Some of you are my friends and know me well. I plan on posting my weight and exercise progress once a week here on my blog, so you can see and give me criticism, suggestions and encouragement.

Anyone got any good low fat, low carb meals, that taste good? I know that is almost impossible, taste good and low fat. Ha!

As of today. weight- 187.8 pounds. ouch! Workout- 1.8 miles walking, 50 crunches, 40 leg lifts, 60 pushups, and upper body workout with extreme rated sports cord. Doing upper body workout and pushups every other day. Walking, everyday, and crunches and leg lifts everyday.

Here is a picture of Janet and I. I 've got 25 pounds to go.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Sunday Marathon

I had this idea to visit a local church that we had not visited. Since they had an 8:00 service, we could go there and then go to our church afterward. What a terrible idea. The preacher preached for about 50 minutes. There is an old axiom that says, "The mind can absorb only what the seat can endure." My seat could not endure, and he wasn't even a good preacher. My dear sweet wife is discovering that I have hair brained ideas from time to time; this was one of them.

I did have this thought today, however when attending my church where the preaching is good. I have not been waiting well on God to speak to me. So I came up with this idea. The word "wait" stands for: W-work, A-adoration, I-investigate, and T-test. When a person waits it is not some process where they sit and do nothing. We should keep working and staying busy, worshiping God, investigating all the possibilities, and then putting them to the test to see what works and what doesn't. In other words, waiting is not for a lazy person. There are no short cuts.

Finally, Janet and I rode the motorcycle to church this evening, and had a great time. We were the only ones on a motorcycle. It's so nice to blend into the crowd. hahaha Well got to go. We are going to sit on the couch, watch a movie, and smooch. See you later.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Dog Days of August on the Coast

Well, it's been hot, but what else is new? My wife, for one thing. She is hot! I can't help it. I am madly in love with her. Sickening, isn't it! Deal with it. My wife is looking over my shoulder and says I look good too.

I'm sitting on the couch in my Dr Pepper pants typing this and thinking about the events of the day. It was frustrating at times. I had a couple of simple tasks to do. First, fix the door bell. Second
flip the door going into the master bath. It opens the wrong direction.

The Door Bell:
I went to McCoys and bought a wireless one. Got home, installed it, and you guessed it, It wouldn't work. Later this adternoon, I went back to McCoys, got my money back and went to Lowes and ity works great.

Flipping the Door:
I got all the trim off finally. I think they put one nail every 4 inches. They were everywhere. Got the door out turned around. I was thirsty and Janet and I went to Sonic for happy hour. All drinks half price you see. I ordered a diet cherry limeade. Janet ordered a canberry limeade. They both tasted good. Anyway, got home, and started back on the door project. I had just sat my diet cherry limeade down, and you guessed it, a pice of trim fell and knocked the drink on the carpet and I had red stuff everywhere on that tan carpet. It was an ugly shade of pink. Fortunately, Janet came to the rescue and was able to clean up my mess. The door, well it is in and works great. Basically, a frustrating day. But that's the way life is sometimes.

A quote from my niece Jessica: Raising kids is like being pecked to death by chickens!
I can relate to that.

Well, it's time for a snack, ice cream and animal crackers.

I posted a picture from the beach I took a while back. I don't know why I went to the beach. I don't like it, there's sand and it's hot and sticky.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Why? Or the musings of a person with an overactive mind.

I have questions about things from time to time. Nothing deep, just questions about stuff. Like for instance........

Why do they call corned beef corned, there is no corn in it?

Why do they call a coaster a coaster? I thought the coast was the land next to the sea. So if you lived there you could be called a coaster, a person, not something that goes underneath a drink.

So where does a marshmellow get it's name? It doesn't taste like a marsh.

How come we don't ask why, more often?

Asking why could just change things. So, what's your why?

I like red wildflowers, why? I don't know. Now, why is that?