Monday, April 20, 2009

Rain, The Bay, Nightime Paddling

Here's a further update. Greg and I went paddling again last Friday evening around 9:30 p.m. We were at a deacon's retreat located right on the bay. After the evening session was over, the water on the bay was calling us. Yes, it was raining and yes the wind was blowing, not bad maybe 15 miles an hour.

Our plan was to stick to the southern shoreline of the bay to get some relief from the wind. It was a great for awhile. We paddling about 3 miles out around a point to a reef Greg wanted to show me for fishing. As we turned around I told Greg, since it was only 3 miles back, I wanted to paddle as hard and as fast as we could. We started back across the bay,and naturally the wind was in our face, the waves turned into occasional whitecaps and breaking over the bow every one and awhile.

What fun it was. The wind, the waves, the lightening. ( We were in an aluminium boat.) We were paddling with everything we had, getting soaking wet, enjoying every minute of it. I am going to the find the them song to Hawaii Five O, for out next trip when we do that.

We got back without swamping the boat, soaking wet and extremely tired. The next I my legs muscles were pretty sore. I am adding that my things I want to do again list. We are continuing to prepare and train for the 262 mile Texas Water Safari in June. We need to get in another 120 miles of paddling minimum as preparation. Please continue to pray for us as we prepare for this great adventure.


Jared and Rebecca said...

Uncle David, you are a WILD MAN. That race sounds pretty hard. I bet most 20 year olds could not manage it. Stay with it!

-Jared / Becka

Unknown said...

Whats this?? We are going to do the BIG RACE, yet we don't have sense enough to get out of the rain???LOL Or the lightening in the alumninum canoe? You never know where the Nara Visa Cowboy will blog from....

rev dave said...

Nobody ever accused me of being the sharpest knife in the drawer. But a little rain is no deal deal, and the lightening, well, it kind of snuck up on us. It made it kind of exciting. Besides, Cowboy, I think you would have done the same thing.