Saturday, October 4, 2008


I am spending the day just catching up on things around the house. I finally got the truck box the Nara Visa cowboy gave me sanded and repainted. I put some Ospho in the rusty spots to kill the rust then primed and repainted it. Found the Ospho at the hardware store. That stuff works pretty good, but don't get any on you. Here is a picture of the box installed.

Since getting back from the trip, I got with my friend Bill Elliot and we got the words to Pancho and Jesus copyrighted. Here's a video it performed by a couple of cowboys we met at the Nara Visa Cowboy gathering. I call them Dos Whoppos--Ha! Ha!

While I was waiting for the video to upload I had my afternoon snack- a chocolate mini-moon pie and a root beer. I am eating a mini-moon pie because I am trying to cut down. I actually had a lady at church who had never had a moon pie. It's hard to believe, but we have so many folks from south of the border, that I think I will take up the job of spreading the news about the American tradition of moon pies. On the wrapper it gives a website for moon pies- Chocolate is good, but banana is better in my opinion. Additionally, m.p.'s should be eaten with root beer, Dr Pepper( with real Imperial Sugar), or an RC Cola, Grapett on really hot days only.


Unknown said...

My New Brother, Dave

For me growing up in Central Mississippi, it was an RC Cola & a Moon Pie for snacks for my dad & me while we rested Jenny & Jack, my grandad's mules, in the cool of the shade cast by those gummy, rasin dropping Loblolly Pines found on my grandad's farm near Florence, MS.

We'd leave the mules in the field & walk up to Reno's Country Store for a mid-morning & mid-afternoon snacks. Mr. Reno, among others, had some tall tales to tell as we enjoyed our RC Cola & Moonpie.

Oh, my, this has brought back fond memories of those days....thanks for reminding me!

Jim McAtee
Retired SBC Missionary

rev dave said...

Nice to hear from you. If you are working along side Tom, you are in what my grandfather would call "High Cotton."

Your response makes me think I need to head to wally world for a RC and a moon pie this afternoon. God Bless, and church on the go hi dee hoo!