Friday, January 11, 2008

In the woods in Goliad

I took a little time to get away Thursday and spent about half a day in the woods. I took a sack lunch, my camera, and my trusty .22 pistol in case I came across a squirrel. I was really just exploring more than hunting. I have a friend who owns this place down by Goliad. It's pretty close to the old Spanish mission where the Goliad massacre took place, so there is lot of history in the area. The picture on the left shows a winding road through the woods. I didn't go the down it all the way, but I walked it for about two miles, all the time under the trees.

Because all of us are so busy in today's world it is hard to get away, much less by ourselves. Once I was in the woods, and didn't see soul. It was so nice just walk at a leisurely pace, stop take picture or two, and not really worry or think about anything. I saw 3 does, and did shoot two squirrels. Shooting the squirrels for stew was a bonus. By the time the day was over I was tired. I had walked I figure about 3 miles up and down several trails and down a one track road. But it was a good tired.
Speaking of trees, I came across the oaks that were at least 40 feet tall. Man, they were pretty.
Naturally it could only happen in Texas. A pretty blue sky behind the state flag.


Unknown said...

Goliad is one of those spiritual places. Go there in the springtime when the air is warm and the the flowers blooming and there is a gentle breeze. Read the history of Goliad. It will make the hair on the back of your neck stand up.

So you had a blue sky, that's what maybe 5 times a year. It's a daily occurance in the Land of Enchantment!!! Of course, your trees are a leetle beeger!!

Maggie Bootman said...

Love your pictures. Daddy's right, being at Goliad in spring or summertime and just looking out where all those men were marched out thinking they were going for a drink of water or freedom and then murdered WILL make the hair stand up all over you. And yet it's a peaceful place as well.

rev dave said...

I plan on going back next week if I can. I liked being able to get away and take a few pictures and just think about nothing. Nothing can be a very good thing.