Saturday, September 29, 2007

This and That

A couple of things. First our church is sponsoring Upward Basketball for grades k through 6th grade. Well, we are short a couple of coaches,
(We have 120 kids playing) and I am now coaching a team of k & first graders. What a hoot! We have had our first practice, and spent the entire time learning how to dribble and the right way to shoot the ball. The way I figure it, if we can make 2 baskets a game, we got a chance to be in the game. But, hey, these little ones are going to have fun, and be fun to watch. Second, one of the senior adults has got a place on the San Antonio river, where I can go deer hunt some. I stomped around for about 2 hours in the woods last Thursday. I saw lots of sign for deer, and even jumped couple. The wild hogs and turkeys seem to be everywhere. It's about 400 acres in size. I took a picture of one of the ponds on it. I think it hold some perch and a bass or two.

Ok, the bonus question for you resident biologists out there, what kind of purple berries are these? They are everywhere.


Unknown said...

That be a filigrana beautyberry.(callicarpa americana L.) The fruit is eaten by bobwhite quail,raccoon, opossum,and gray fox. It is found in coastal prairies and marshes.
That pond looks like a good place IF it has running water into it occasionally.

rev dave said...

I knew you would have the answer for me. I still have got to check out that pond some more. I am hoping to get a chance at some deer meat within the next couple of weeks. I am going dove hunting this week end. I may be a little rusty shooting, but maybe I can hit a dove or two.

Hey, are these beautyberries poisonous? They seem to be everywhere, and I have never seen so many acorns. I might just have to look for some squirrels.

Unknown said...

Probably not. They don't hurt those little varmints listed above.
Helped a neighbor ship today. Got to "cowboy up" a little. LOL
Thought of Dr. Stan Cobb.