Sunday, June 10, 2007

Piryak, Deck, and Heat

I have two different projects going on at the same time. My wife wants a deck out back. So I am using some of the leftover 2x6 metal studs from the storage buiilding project. I got the studs free when the old walmart store went out of business when they remodeled. We need a deck so we can set in the backyard and sweat on those cool summertime days here in south Texas. Additionally, it gives us an opportunity to swat and kill mosquitos at our lesiure as they swarm us while we are seting on the deck.

The piryak is coming along. I am painting the outside with several coats of red paint. I hope to put it in the water this week, to set where the seat needs to go, then finish the inside, with IBC cream soda color interior. As you can see I have been busy, but hey I like it that way. It keeps me out of trouble.


Unknown said...

How wet is the water?

rev dave said...

It is wet enough that when I go from the house to the car my glasses fog up. That's wet, and I know, you don't miss it at all.