Saturday, February 10, 2007

"A Piryak Maybe"

It's been busy around here this week. First our oldest daughter has moved back home with us. She's got a job and is doing pretty well. Things are starting to get into a routine around the house.
Second, after many months of delay, I finally gave in and let the female herd in my house get a dog. Well, actually , two puppies. They are twins. Breed wise I was told they were Jack Russell terrier, Fox terrier, and Chihuahua. What a mix! They have been named George and Lynard. Pictures, will follow, that is, if I don't buy them a ticket to the happy hunting ground first.
On the subject of boat building. Don't ask my wife, all she does is roll her eyes, and give me that you are crazy, and why are you wasting money we don't have look.
Ok, here's the deal .I looked over the pirogue plans and downloaded a free set of plans. I also have studied the kayaks and have downloaded a set of plans for a simple kayak. Both have qualities I like. But, there two things I am looking for, one something fairly easy to build; and second, something unique. So, I am thinking why not take the two and combine the best parts of their designs and make what I call a "Piryak. " Easy to build, and use, yet different from anything else out there. What do you think? Crazy or just plain dumb? All opinions welcome. Here is a beach picture of where I might row my "Piryak"

1 comment:

Unknown said...

1st, I didn't ask your wife. I thought by now, you would know better, too!!
2nd, dogs, i.e. pets, decrease depression and increase longevity in old people. You know, like you're going to be! You got DAWGS, but what common, ordinary names.(My friend at the motel got a dawg like yours mrom a Mexican on the parking lot in Tucumcari yesterday out a box. We named him Pancho Nara Visa, now there's a name!!)
3rd, The piryak. Good features from both???? Only features that count are: It doesn't leak and it floats. What else is there??
My backs out and my dope is weak, I'm fixing to go take my nap!! Piryak-Yikes!!!!!!