In a couple of days another new year will begin. Who knows what it will hold. Hopefully whatever it is, it will be good, if not, well, I'll just have to take big breathe and hang on and let God. You know, let God do what He does when I can't. So Happy New Year, and Let God.
Having just finished up my first picture book, I can say I learned alot about what to do, and what not to do. For instance, Becky proofed it. Abby proofed it. I proofed it, and still we found errors after I had it already printed. I guess I need to get another set of eyes on it next time. Also, it was kind of all over the place, no real theme. I am hoping as this year unfolds I will develop some kind of theme for my next book. that was number one. I also want to make it a bigger size, maybe more like 8 X 10. I am already taking pictures and working on number two.
Any suggestions for a theme?
Speaking of which, Becky has decided this is something she likes doing, and it is something we can do together. She bought herself a camera for Christmas, so we can go out and take pictures together. Here is a picture of her snapping off a few shots, plus a goose at the city park. I snuck up on it. ( Is snuck a word?) Just so I can stay in practice.