Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Classic Car Show

This last week end our church sponsored a Classic Car Show. We had 28 different kinds of cars and trucks. We had the car show going on while we had Upwards Basketball games taking place, so there was a big crowd here the entire day. The old motor above was neat. You had to turn the big flywheel to get it started. It will run clockwise or counter clockwise. The man that bought it got it going would put tennis balss in the exhaust pipe and shoot them in the air for the kids. It was really a fun day and a great way to reach a group of people our church doesn't normally come in contact with.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

The County Fair

I did something I have never done before. I entered 4 of my pictures in the county fair. I don't why, it seemed like something fun to do. Anyway, last night we went to the fair to check the results. Wow! I was really surprised. I entered my pictures in the adult amateur division. I entered a picture that Becky took of me in my boat, and it took first place in it's division. I entered 3 others in my name, in landscape, candid, and wildlife division. I was awarded one second place in landscape, first place in candid, and grand champion in wildlife. The pictures will remain on display the rest of the week. I know it sounds like I am bragging, but hey it's kind of neat to see what others think of my photography skills.

Naturally, no fair is complete without a funnel cake and coke. So Becky, and I split one, and spent the rest of evening wandering around looking at the other exhibits. getting free samples, pens, buttons, and calendars, etc. I couldn't get her on the ferris wheel, oh well.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Moo Moo Burger

In my post last night, I forgot to tell you that I stopped at Moo Moo Burger yesterday on my way out to Goliad. The place hasn't changed much. Still kind of a hole in the wall. (my kind of place)
I ordered the original Moo Moo burger. It is a half pound burger made from two patties, with two slices of cheese, mustard, lettuce, tomatoes, onions, and pickles. It came with real hand cut fries, and I got a root beer to top it off. The taste was the same as I remember when we all went on that mission trip to the children's home back years ago. Man was it good. It was so big I didn't eat any supper last night.

Here's the question- when was that, Becky and I can't put our finger on the year? I wanted to see
if you or Sharon, or maybe your kids could remember. I think I have some pictures somewhere.

P.S. Get my Becky to tell where I took her on our 30 wedding anniversary. ( It involves Moo Moo Burger)

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Allergies, Woods, and South Texas

It's allergy season here in South Texas, where at least this year, everything is still sickening green. I am ready to see some dead grass, and the brown tumble weeds of of West Texas. So, being tired of going through kleenex at the rate of a box day, I went to see my doc. He gave me a steroid shot, some antibiotics and some prednisone pills. He stressed I should the pills first thing in the morning and lay off the caffeine. I took the pills alright, but had my regular 4 cups of coffee. Talk about flying high and being jumpy. I have been all day. I think I will lay off the coffee tomorrow. I just hope I can sleep some tonight.

I went this afternoon to Goliad, to so some scouting for deer hunting, and locate some squirrels. I found a couple of buck rubs, and saw a nice doe. I was in the woods for about 2 hours, and got really hot. I told Becky, I didn't know if it was the drugs or not, but I feel way too hot, so instead of hunting this evening, I just came home. I am going try again tomorrow evening, maybe the temp will drop from 95 down to something in the 80's. (that's a cool spell down here, this time of year)

Alright I am posting a couple more pictures for you. I think the red flower is a Tropical Sage. What say you? The other is of the San Antonio river, which runs along one side of the property. This place is right behind the old Spanish Mission there, so there is alot of Texas history in this area.

P.S. Moon Pies and Goober Wheels will be shipped in a day or two in care of the Nara Visa Cowboy. Who knows, I might find a R C Cola and add it to the deal. Nothing better than a R C Cola and Goober Wheel, unless it's Grapette Pop

Monday, October 8, 2007

A Little of this and a little of that

Okay, I tried to find out what kind of plant this is by looking in my wild flower book, no luck. What is it? I'll send the winner a goober wheel and a banana moon pie.

Our men's group went dove hunting down south at San Paticio last Saturday on the Lonesome Dove ranch. We didn't kill that many doves, but we had a great time. It's a neat place, with a trap and skeet range. We all got to shoot for free, as much as we wanted.
To me the best part was being to teach some of kids how to shoot a shotgun for the very first time. We even had a couple men that had never been bird hunting before, so that was kinda neat. The ranch is connected with Man to Man Ministries out of Victoria. Their idea is to being men together through outdoor experiences, to teach about being Christian men. It is a good organization, with a great concept.

Well, I just got through taking some cough medicine. I have got a case of the crud. I think I need the Nara Visa Cowboy's recipe for cough syrup.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

50,000 Mile Check Up

I went in to see my doctor, who happens to be a member of my church, last week, because of some bleeding. He t0ld me no big deal, just a hemorrhoid problem. He said, eat more fruit and drink more water. He also told me it was time for a 50,00 mile check up, so to speak. Well, I had some blood work, it came back yesterday. All is good except for my triglycerides( bad fat) was over the limit. The top limit is supposed be 149, mine is 190. He put a note at the bottom of the page which said, "decrease fat, increase vegetables and exercise." I saw him last night, and asked him if eating more french fries and potato salad would be considered eating more vegetables. Also I informed him that Dr Pepper has not fat in it, and a banana moon pie was labeled low fat. He didn't buy into my theory.

Question: if triglycerides are bad fat, then what is good fat? I thought fat was fat, and it was all bad for you. Well, as you can see, becky has her hands full. Gotta go, I prunes to eat and water to drink!