I had 5 yards of dirt dumped in my drive way, so I could fill in some low spots in the backyard. I don't know how many wheel barrel loads it was, but it was enough. My back and shoulders are sore.
I've got a section fence I need to replace. I measured the section and figured out how much material I will need. I haven't priced it yet. But, I know it will more that I want to pay. The only thing bad about this project, is digging those post holes in this black gumbo soil. My shoulders hurt just thinking about it.
Now these projects involve being outside. It's been pretty nice, with the temps in the 60's and low 70's during the day. I really need to check the planting guides and see when I can plant some tomatoes and such. If this keeps up,I will have to mow the stupid grass. I would pay good money, if someone would develop a hybrid grass that only grows one inch per month, after it is established.
The boat building project is getting closer. I have the plans and have figured out the cost, now it is just getting these other projects done so I start can start on it. Well, I got to run.